Mr.Brijesh Kumar Agrawal - Profile
Brijesh Agrawal, aged 47 years, is a whole-time Director (Corporate Development and New Initiatives) of our Company. He holds a master’s degree in management science from University of Lucknow and a post graduate diploma in business management from Northern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management, New Delhi. He has experience in the field of internet, networking and systems development. Previously, he worked with H N Miebach Logistics India Private Limited. He is a charter member of The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), a global network of entrepreneurs and professionals. He has been a Director on our Board since incorporation of our Company.

Directorship and Full-Time Positions

Sl. No. Name of the Body Corporate Designation
1. IndiaMART InterMESH Limited Whole- Time Director
2. Tolexo Online Private Limited Director & CEO
3. Busy Infotech Private Limited Managing Director & CEO
4. Mynd Solutions Private Limited Nominee Director
5. Dyna Infosoft Pvt. Ltd. Director